GRUPO DREAMPLACE’ whistleblowing channel

Welcome to GRUPO DREAMPLACE’ whistleblowing channel. If you have detected any negligent action within the organization, you can report it completely anonymously and safely from here.

Report problem

Tell us about any action that in your opinion is contrary to the Code of Ethics and Conduct.

Follow up

If you have made previosly a communication, indicate its identifier to follow up.

Frequently asked questions

Do you have any question about this whistleblowing channel? Here you will find the most frequently asked questions and their answers.

GRUPO DREAMPLACE’ whistleblowing policy

This Channel shall not be used for:

· Falsely or deliberately denouncing other people. Only denouncements made in good faith will be admitted.

· Reporting complaints or claims about Dreamplace services, for which we ask you to go to the specific complaints channel accessible at .

· Communicate a severe risk to the safety or health of people, if you witness such a situation, please call the emergency services for immediate management.

Communicate matters related to the rights associated with the management of your personal data, for this you can send your communications to [email protected].